Sunday, December 13, 2009

Home Stretch...

We are in the home stretch, so I wanted to get you a few comments asap, so you can reflect on them...
I think that was a great idea to add a sidebar for 619 to put the template & css directories. I put them under my help/glossary on my main page, but I like your idea better.

I just did a little looking around...I'll do more tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I saw a bunch of gobbly gook when I clicked on Algebra 1 & spreadsheets & data graph. I can't remember if this is the same one that had a problem or not before...I think you might have moved this.

You are probably in the middle of working on your conic sections because the page comes up, but when I click on an image, I get an error.

I like that you added the google groups...I'll do that too.

I think that is all I have time for right now. I will check back tomorrow or Tues.
You're just about there!!

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