Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Comments on your recent updates

Your site is very much improved!
I did notice a few things because I am doing the detailed editors job and I have to find something to say....

Main Page---I like your updates to the main tells more about you. Maybe make your picture a little bigger.
Wow! You added a search this site...very cool!!

Education--Not sure if it's overkill, but you could add links to the credential page where you list your credentials. ( to CSUN admin credential, link to CSUN single subject credential where you list them)

Work Experience--possibly add a link back to the main page of your school where you list in under employment?

Educational philosophy--sound great! Do you have a picture of when you taught? That would go great here.

Hobbies and Interests--I would add your picasa slide show to this page and maybe a picture of you gardening, or just your garden if you have one.

SED 618--you misspelled superimposition on your page.

Editorial Comments--I loved that you added our sites to yours, do you think they should be under a separate heading like Steve has...Cohort sites or something like that...I tried to mirror his.

Overall looks excellent!
Great Job!

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