Thursday, September 17, 2009

After you have looked at my site, please comment next to each of the bullets below so I know what I need to fix. Thanks for your help!

Build a personal website using Google Sites. Your site should include:

  • Personal Introduction
    • Education
    • Work Experience
    • Educational Philosophy
    • Hobbies & Interests
    • Photo of you
    • Photos relevant to your interests, hobbies, etc. (Picasaweb)
    • Other relevant information
  • Links to your CSUN website and personal domain
  • Links to all Masters Degree Coursework
    • SED 618: Educational Multimedia
    • SED 619: Educational Website Development
    • SED 600: Research Methods for Ed Technology
    • Elective (SED 646) Computers in Math and Science
    • SED 690: Special Topics in Ed Technology
    • Elective (SED 671) Designing Instructional Materials
    • SED 610: Seminar on Secondary Education
    • SED 697: Preparation for the MA
  • Links to the collaborative resources used for instruction


  1. Hi Marla,
    I didn't see your hobbies & interests. I saw you had a picasa web album, but I couldn't open it because I'm still trying to load my software...are they your pictures or Dr. Herr's Sierra Pictures?

    I don't know how to actually update your post with a check, so this is what I'm doing.

  2. Also, did you have your educational philosopy?

    Your website is looking good!!

  3. I need to work on hobbies & interests. Not there yet. I also plan on taking my resume off and making it separate pages, i.e., education, professional experience, ...

    I am still working on my philosophy statement. Will get it done this weekend. Thanks for your help!

  4. I noticed I don't have permission to see your calendar...can you add me?
