Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Comments on your recent updates

Your site is very much improved!
I did notice a few things because I am doing the detailed editors job and I have to find something to say....

Main Page---I like your updates to the main tells more about you. Maybe make your picture a little bigger.
Wow! You added a search this site...very cool!!

Education--Not sure if it's overkill, but you could add links to the credential page where you list your credentials. ( to CSUN admin credential, link to CSUN single subject credential where you list them)

Work Experience--possibly add a link back to the main page of your school where you list in under employment?

Educational philosophy--sound great! Do you have a picture of when you taught? That would go great here.

Hobbies and Interests--I would add your picasa slide show to this page and maybe a picture of you gardening, or just your garden if you have one.

SED 618--you misspelled superimposition on your page.

Editorial Comments--I loved that you added our sites to yours, do you think they should be under a separate heading like Steve has...Cohort sites or something like that...I tried to mirror his.

Overall looks excellent!
Great Job!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Response to Marla & Me

Thank you Steve. I'll edit my welcome page with a more personal intro with photos of my family. I took off the resume and made web pages that correspond to he Education and Work Experience. I've added my Ed Philo and hobbies and interest. I like your idea about adding photos of garden, will do.

Thanks for following me!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Marla and Me

Marla, after reviewing Janice's site, it's clear that she has set the standard for us to emulate. Our work just isn't up snuff. My advice here is that you should break out every requirement as a page or at least a heading and then fill it with at least a paragraph of content along with related links and images.

Personal Introduction - Who is Marla ? A woman with nine children, a nanny and ...........
Education - I think you covered the edu part well. Perhaps add links / images /maps back to the colleges.

Work Experience - The work experience is there. I think it needs it's own sub heading and then be grouped in a paragraph. Janice went all and added a functional style resume, But you're already employed and it might not be appropriate.

Educational Philosophy - Missing.

Hobbies & Interests - Let hear about that garden . Add some pictures and maybe a Martha Stewart-ish bit of advice from you. A tidbit or tip on how it's done. I liked the info you presented in the Powerpoint.

Photo of you - Done

Photos relevant to your interests, hobbies, etc. (Picasaweb) Missing. This would likely be in the same area as the Hobbies and Interests.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

After you have looked at my site, please comment next to each of the bullets below so I know what I need to fix. Thanks for your help!

Build a personal website using Google Sites. Your site should include:

  • Personal Introduction
    • Education
    • Work Experience
    • Educational Philosophy
    • Hobbies & Interests
    • Photo of you
    • Photos relevant to your interests, hobbies, etc. (Picasaweb)
    • Other relevant information
  • Links to your CSUN website and personal domain
  • Links to all Masters Degree Coursework
    • SED 618: Educational Multimedia
    • SED 619: Educational Website Development
    • SED 600: Research Methods for Ed Technology
    • Elective (SED 646) Computers in Math and Science
    • SED 690: Special Topics in Ed Technology
    • Elective (SED 671) Designing Instructional Materials
    • SED 610: Seminar on Secondary Education
    • SED 697: Preparation for the MA
  • Links to the collaborative resources used for instruction

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Welcome to my blog!
Thanks for inviting me!!